How to File an Assumed Name, or DBA, in Tarrant County, Texas ?

Assumed name forms, or DBAs, should be filed with the County Clerk’s Office of the county in which the filing entity is located and will be conducting business. Forms can be completed in person or submitted by mail if notarized. Prior to locally filing an assumed name, you must have filed the information and obtained an Assumed Name certificate and filing number with the Texas Secretary of State.

To ensure the desired assumed name is not already in use, conduct an “Assumed Name Search” by visiting the Texas Secretary of State website.


Step 1: Locate the website for the correct County Clerk’s office. For Tarrant County, the web address is


Step 2: From the main home page, locate the I WANT TO…section, which contains a large blue box with menu options.
• Under the Apply For section of the blue box, select An Assumed Name (DBA).


Step 3: Once you are redirected to the Assumed Name home page, you are provided with general information about assumed names and filing procedures for the county.


Step 4: Select the appropriate form for your business entity, either Assumed Name Incorporated or Assumed Name Unincorporated.
•Incorporated includes For-Profit, Non-Profit or Professional Corporation; Professional Association, LLC, LP, LLP, CO-OP, or other.
•If filing an unincorporated business form, applications can only be partially completed and saved online. Applicants are required to appear in person at the county clerk’s office, sign the application, and pay the required fee.
•For further instruction, the page provides an Assumed Name Instructions PDF found below the form options.


Step 5: The forms are in PDF format. When you have selected the appropriate form, the form page will open and you may download the form onto your device. Locate the white downward arrow in the top right hand corner to download and save the form.

•Once saved, proceed to filling in all required information in the highlighted fields. (If handwritten, print legibly.)

•Type the assumed name exactly how it is to appear on the certificate including punctuation, spaces, and abbreviations.

•Type the address of the business.

•Type the period during which the assumed name will be used. The filing maximum is 10 years.

•Check the correct box of “business to is to be conducted.” If you are unsure of which type of business the applicant should check, ask your supervising attorney.

•Complete the Certificate of Ownership section.
  * No P.O. Boxes; addressed must be a physical address.


Step 6: When the form is completed, submit it along with the filing fee to the county clerk’s office. Prior to submission, all original signatures on the form must be notarized.

The current filing fee for Tarrant County is $20.00 for one partner/owner, and $0.50 for each additional owner listed. Checks are made payable to Mary Louise Garcia, County Clerk.

The current mailing address is:
Tarrant County Clerk, Assumed Names
200 Taylor Street, Suite 301
Fort Worth, Texas 76196

Disclaimer: This is not intended to provide legal advice and nothing construed herein will be considered legal advice. No attorney-client relationship is established between Masteller Law Firm, PLLC and you by viewing this article, associated articles, blogs, or videos. Make sure you confirm the Secretary of State has processed your request and that your information is concurrent with the State’s database.